Category: Music Instrument RentalsMusic Instrument Rentals
We supply quality instruments at competitive prices and carry the accessories/supplies that you will need, including music books. You can Rent-to-own, OR… just rent our instruments
“Buy-out” the instrument at any time during the rental period with a 30% discount applied to your remaining balance.
Monthly payments are easy with Auto-Pay from your credit card every month. Return the instrument at any time without penalty.
Our repair shop keeps your instrument playing properly throughout your Rent-to-Own term. We offer a quick turnaround without sacrificing the quality of the work.
Damage & Repair coverage is required for $4.99 per month, $7.99 per month for wooden clarinet and saxophone.
There is an additional charge for mouth pieces that differ from the one supplied by the manufacturer.
Rent-To-Own Price
Alto Sax $39.99
Clarinet (composite) $19.99
Clarinet (wood) $39.99
Flute (closed hole) $13.99
Flute (open hole) $19.99
Percussion Bell Kit $17.99
Percussion Bell Kit w/Snare Drum $25.99
Trombone (tenor) $24.99
Tenor Sax $39.99
Trombone (“F” attachment) $39.99
Trumpet $24.99
The prices for Rent-only instruments is for payment in full and due at the time of rental.
String Instruments are sized for the student. If you do not know your size, we are happy to measure the student and fit them to the appropriate instrument.
Damage & Repair is required for each rental and allows us to keep your instrument playing at their best.
Want to be an “Early Bird”? A $30.00 deposit will guarantee your rental to be picked up at a later time.
Rent-Only String Instruments Price Term Damage & Repair
Violin $99.99 School Year $17.99
Viola $99.99 School Year $17.99
Cello $189.99 School Year $24.99
Bass $39.99 Month $5.99
Student Name
(Last / First)
Rental Agreement Terms:
Total Instrument Value ________________________________
Rent Only Payment ________________________________
Damage & Repair _______________________________
Sales Tax ________________________________
Total Payment ________________________________
Initial Payment:
Rental Fee ________________________________
Damage & Repair ________________________________
Sales Tax ________________________________
Total ________________________________
Maintenance & Repair Coverage YES ___________ NO _______
(without coverage, the customer is liable for damage and repair up
to the Total Rental Purchase Cost)
Method of Payment: – Check One
Cash _____ Check # _____ Credit Card _____ ( see below)
Date Paid ______________
Please supply a credit card even if you are paying by cash or check
so we may use it as a credit reference.
Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover _____ Exp. Date _______
#____________ /____________ / ____________ / ____________
In the event that rental payments fall behind, we reserve the right to charge
payments to your credit card (including late fees) using this information.
Customers Initials ____________________
Please Sign the Agreement
Signature ________________________________________
Date ________________________________________
Please complete all items below.
Please print clearly.
Billing Information:
Parent Name (First / Last)
City, State, Zip Code
Home Phone _______________________________
E-mail ___________________________________
Student Information:
School___________________________ District__________
Grade_____________ Music Teacher __________________
Father’s Information: S.S. #_______________
Name ___________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________
Employer’s Phone # ________________________________
Mother’s Information: S.S. #_______________
Name ___________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________
Employer’ Phone # _________________________________
All information on this agreement is kept with
Nepal Music Gallery . and its legal representatives
Music Instrument Rentals
We supply quality instruments at competitive prices and carry the accessories/supplies that you will need, including music books. You can Rent-to-own, OR… just rent our instruments
“Buy-out” the instrument at any time during the rental period with a 30% discount applied to your remaining balance.
Monthly payments are easy with Auto-Pay from your credit card every month. Return the instrument at any time without penalty.
Our repair shop keeps your instrument playing properly throughout your Rent-to-Own term. We offer a quick turnaround without sacrificing the quality of the work.
Damage & Repair coverage is required for $4.99 per month, $7.99 per month for wooden clarinet and saxophone.
There is an additional charge for mouth pieces that differ from the one supplied by the manufacturer.
Rent-To-Own Price
Alto Sax $39.99
Clarinet (composite) $19.99
Clarinet (wood) $39.99
Flute (closed hole) $13.99
Flute (open hole) $19.99
Percussion Bell Kit $17.99
Percussion Bell Kit w/Snare Drum $25.99
Trombone (tenor) $24.99
Tenor Sax $39.99
Trombone (“F” attachment) $39.99
Trumpet $24.99
The prices for Rent-only instruments is for payment in full and due at the time of rental.
String Instruments are sized for the student. If you do not know your size, we are happy to measure the student and fit them to the appropriate instrument.
Damage & Repair is required for each rental and allows us to keep your instrument playing at their best.
Want to be an “Early Bird”? A $30.00 deposit will guarantee your rental to be picked up at a later time.
Rent-Only String Instruments Price Term Damage & Repair
Violin $99.99 School Year $17.99
Viola $99.99 School Year $17.99
Cello $189.99 School Year $24.99
Bass $39.99 Month $5.99
Student Name
(Last / First)
Rental Agreement Terms:
Total Instrument Value ________________________________
Rent Only Payment ________________________________
Damage & Repair _______________________________
Sales Tax ________________________________
Total Payment ________________________________
Initial Payment:
Rental Fee ________________________________
Damage & Repair ________________________________
Sales Tax ________________________________
Total ________________________________
Maintenance & Repair Coverage YES ___________ NO _______
(without coverage, the customer is liable for damage and repair up
to the Total Rental Purchase Cost)
Method of Payment: – Check One
Cash _____ Check # _____ Credit Card _____ ( see below)
Date Paid ______________
Please supply a credit card even if you are paying by cash or check
so we may use it as a credit reference.
Visa _____ MasterCard _____ Discover _____ Exp. Date _______
#____________ /____________ / ____________ / ____________
In the event that rental payments fall behind, we reserve the right to charge
payments to your credit card (including late fees) using this information.
Customers Initials ____________________
Please Sign the Agreement
Signature ________________________________________
Date ________________________________________
Please complete all items below.
Please print clearly.
Billing Information:
Parent Name (First / Last)
City, State, Zip Code
Home Phone _______________________________
E-mail ___________________________________
Student Information:
School___________________________ District__________
Grade_____________ Music Teacher __________________
Father’s Information: S.S. #_______________
Name ___________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________
Employer’s Phone # ________________________________
Mother’s Information: S.S. #_______________
Name ___________________________________________
Employer ________________________________________
Employer’ Phone # _________________________________
All information on this agreement is kept with
Nepal Music Gallery . and its legal representatives

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